Facing Your Mortality and Finding Meaning
Two weeks ago I talked with my friend, Jim Madden on mortality and finding meaning in life. Jim is a Professor of Philosophy, Jiu-Jitsu world champion, and an author. And the following is my reflection.
Find meaning by doing
There is no meaning in life unless you act or live an action-oriented life. Doctrinal beliefs could you save from sickness unto death. But no meaning will be found in holding to doctrinal beliefs.
Saying you love God but hating your neighbour is no love at all. Saying virtues are important but never practising them is a vice.
On your death bed, if your family and friends despise you, and have you lived non-action oriented life determined by fear, then no amount of beliefs about the greatness of God will give you peace and meaning.
Dying well
I'd rather die a man who doesn't believe in God but is loved and surrounded by his family, than a man who believes in God but is cursed, despised, and dies alone. By alone I don’t mean physical but rather lack of deep loving relationships. Even the most persecuted believers of all the different faiths though they were hated by some, they were truly loved by others.
Even in scripture, there is no prophet or man that dies alone: hated and despised. Jesus didn't alone. He wasn't fully abandoned. His mother, Mary, followed him to the cross until his last breath. Even in the story of Job from the Bible, Job suffered alone for a while but he never died alone. Job died with meaning.
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